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Optical Glass Master pieces

We (André and Astrid Sikabonyi)

have had the same question that all collectors experience when they are choosing a piece to buy,

..."what makes that one piece better than the other?"...

Answering this question  became  Gallery Sikabonyi key philosophy.

Find that special piece, that piece that really excels.

On that journey there was only one way.

Work closely with the best artist. See all their work and understand what it takes to make a great piece of art. Our proximity to the greatest glass artist allowed a close collaboration and in depth understanding of key artist.

So eventually the portfolio holds the most interesting aspects of these artist. It allows us as Gallerist to portray the variety of works with all is facets and the client has the best spectrum of art pieces to choose from.

It was this understanding that attracted many collectors and promoted an ongoing business.


enjoy our glass art


List of Artists
Rainbow lake iolet 37x 37x 7 cm2.jpeg
Astrid Sikabonyi
André Sikabonyi

"Capturing the moments of today that will wow your heart tomorrow"

Gallery Sikabonyi

Kohlmarkt 7

1010 Vienna


Mo-Fr 11-18

Sa 11-16

Tel/Fax  + 43 1 512 94 38

Cellular      +43 676 721 68 63

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MO- FR 11:00-18:00
SA. 11:00-14:00

All  Rights reserved © 2016  GS GALLERY SIKABONYI

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